AGE K-6th Grade
10:00 AM Service
Summer Faith Kids meets June-August during our 10:00 am service in the West Classrooms. Kids grade K-6th can join us for lesson time, crafts and fun! Sign in at West Foyer Check-In Desk.
AGE 3-5
Every Sunday
at 10:45 AM (Summer 10:00 AM)
@ West Foyer Check-In Desk
Kids ages 3-5 can enjoy a time of worship just for them that includes stories, crafts, play and snacks!
Available every Sunday during both services.
Sign in at West Foyer Check-In Desk
We love kids and the life they bring to a church, but we want to give parents a much needed break and the chance to take in a service uninterrupted!
The nursery is staffed by volunteers and as with all of our youth ministries, all of our volunteers 18+ have been screened and completed a background check before working with any children at Faithbridge. Parents are contacted by a text message if they are needed.
watch for registration for
summer 2025 at!
Summer Scholarships for Camp Lebanon
A scholarship is available for all youth from Faithbridge who are attending Camp Lebanon. We encourage all youth to participate regardless of financial status. Fill out the form HERE to receive the codes you need for camp registration.
Faith Kids Faith Classes
Age 4 – Grade 6
Every Sunday (Sept-May)
at 9:45 AM
Kids will enjoy an hour of learning Bible truths at their age level. Depending on age level, their time may include teaching, a short video lesson, singing, stories, crafts and more!
Age 4
Parents: Check-in at West Foyer Check-In Desk
Parents: Check-in at West Foyer Check-In Desk
1st-6th Grade
Parents: Check-in at West Foyer Check-In Desk

If you have any questions or would like to get connected in one or more of our ministries, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We’d love to connect with you! CONTACT US AT 218.732.1404 OR OFFICE@FAITHBRIDGEPR.ORG.
Copyright © 2021 Faithbridge Church