Faith Groups are gatherings of
people that regularly get together
to encourage one another to
grow closer with the Lord
through prayer, fellowship,
encouragement, and personal
applications of God’s truth in our
Most Faith Groups meet weekly. Some meet every other week. It’s usually up to the group to decide what works best for everyone.
We encourage groups to meet for 12 week sessions.
Typically groups meet in someone’s home with snacks and refreshments provided followed by a discussion on Biblical truth. The meetings will last 1.5 to 2 hours.
Contact Tracee Lindquist at traceelindquist@faithbridgepr.org or call the church office at 218.732.1404.
rightnow media
RightNow Media is a resource for your faith group, family, personal devotions, etc. It is a free resource that we offer to all who attend Faithbridge.

If you have any questions or would like to get connected in one or more of our ministries, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We’d love to connect with you! CONTACT US AT 218.732.1404 OR OFFICE@FAITHBRIDGEPR.ORG.
Copyright © 2021 Faithbridge Church